Health Promotion creates opportunities for communities and populations to understand what influences their health and wellbeing and what can be done to make healthy choices easier.

CBCHS actively supports health promotion principles which aim to enhance the health of the local community. We believe empowering people to increase control over their health will improve their health outcomes. We have a commitment to working in partnership with our community and service providers.

CBCHS Health Promotion Team takes a place-based approach to primary prevention acknowledging that the places where people live, grow, work and play shape their health and wellbeing.

To support our community’s health and wellbeing, we are focusing on:

  • Improving nutrition through healthy food and drinks
  • Increasing active lifestyles and movement
  • Tackling climate change and its impact on health and wellbeing

We work with the whole Kingston community to make positive changes to support everyone’s health and wellbeing. Learn more about how we support early childhood services, schools, sporting clubs and the broader community.

If you have any questions for our team or would like to know more about how we can support you to promote health and wellbeing in these places, contact the Health Promotion Coordinator on 8587 0200 or complete the below enquiry form.


Follow us on Instagram @healthy_kingston for evidence-based tips on how to live a healthy and happy lifestyle.

Find out more about our plans and achievements: